Do You Have Thinning Eyelashes? Are You Thinking About Using LATISSE®? Come See Dr. Lovich. Serving Medford, Ashland and Grants Pass OR.

What is LATISSE®?
What cuases thinning eyelashes?
Who should use LATISSE®?
The results
LATISSE® Brochure

Before / Week 4

Latisse® Ashland, OR

Before / Week 8

Latisse® Grants Pass, OR

Before / Week 12

Thinning Eyelashes Ashland, OR

Before / Week 16

What is LATISSE®

LATISSE® solution the only FDA-approved prescription treatment for hypotrichosis used to grow eyelashes, making them longer, thicker and darker. Eyelash hypotrichosis is another name for having inadequate or not enough eyelashes.

More than doubles your lashes in 16 weeks.

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Causes of thinning eyelashes

Many medical journels agree that aging is a large factor in thinning eyelashes.

During trials when pretreatment photos were analyzed the older women had thinner, shorter and lighter lashes at week 0, compared to the younger women in the trial. The demographic data suggests there may be a downward trend of eyelash fullness, length and darkness as women with inadequate lashes age.

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Who should use LATISSE®?

Have you noticed a change in your lashes over the years? If they have lost their fullness, appear shorter, or lighter in color, then it’s time to consider LATISSE® — the only FDA-approved product that grows lashes, increasing their overall prominence.

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Risks and safety

If you are using, or have used, prescription products for any eye pressure problems, only use LATISSE® under close doctor care.

LATISSE® use, may cause increased brown pigmentation of the colored part of the eye which is likely permanent. Eyelid skin darkening may occur which may be reversible. Important

Only apply at the base of the upper eyelashes. DO NOT APPLY to the lower eyelid. Hair growth may occur in other skin areas that LATISSE® solution frequently touches.

If you develop or experience any eye problems or have eye surgery, consult Dr. Locih immediately about continued use of LATISSE®.

The most common side effects after using LATISSE® solution are itchy eyes and/or eye redness. If discontinued, lashes will gradually return to their previous appearance.

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The results

Use LATISSE® every day for 16 weeks.

  • At week 4: You may start to see longer lashes
  • At week 8: You may start to see fuller and darker lashes
  • At week 16: FULL dramatic results

Do not reduce or stop nightly application of LATISSE®

If discontinued, lashes will gradually return to their previous appearance.

In the Phase III LATISSE® clinical trial, 91% of women participating were 35 or older and results show that LATISSE® more than doubled their lash fullness after 16 weeks of treatment. If you don’t have enough lashes, incorporating LATISSE® into your treatment regimen may help you grow longer, fuller and darker lashes.

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